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Get Comfortable with Discomfort

I have several thoughts while listening to this Freakonomics podcast with Ari Emmanuel.

First, what the hell are helminths? Well, they are worms. He is eating worm eggs to presumably reduce inflammation.

Secondly, I should write down some of hie advice because I think there is wisdom in it.

  1. Don’t be indifferent
  2. Be curious
  3. Be comfortable in the uncomfortable
  4. Show up — be consistent
  5. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you and get out of their way
  6. Fail often, but do it quickly
  7. Your schedule makes you dumber. Get out of daily routines and meet people outside your normal sphere

For me, at this moment, the idea of “being comfortable in discomfort” really resonates. Paired with “getting outside my normal routine”, I think I would do well to break free of my routine and meet new people, do new things, and get comfortable in novel situations. It if am to push forward and continue expanding my knowledge and set of skills, I need to grow, and growth comes quickly when one must process novel stimuli.

It’s time.